Let’s say you have on homepage a banner and bellow it the Virtuemart latest products module (mod_virtuemart_latestprod). If you click on a product the opened page will contain the banner, the module and then the product details. To make the product details page display without the banner and the module, do the following changes.
Go to admin\comp\com_virtuemart\classes\ps_product.php and replace the line:
$product_link = $sess->url($mm_action_url. "index.php" . $url);
$product_link = $mm_action_url. "index.php" .
$url. '&option=com_virtuemart';
And finally, in admin\comp\com_virtuemart\html\shop.product_details.php update the statement:
$next_product_url = $sess->url( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.$url_parameters );
$next_product_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.
else {
/*$next_product_url = str_replace("index2",
$sess->url( $url_parameters ));*/
$next_product_url = str_replace("index2",
if( $pop == 1 ) {
$previous_product_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.
//$previous_product_url = $sess->url( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
// ?'.$url_parameters );
else {
//$previous_product_url = str_replace("index2",
// "index",
// $sess->url( $url_parameters ));
$previous_product_url = str_replace("index2",